Sat Naam - Welcome to this silent meditation course. We will be looking deeply and very practically at the practice of meditation to see clearly what is going on, and to know what it means. To do this we need teachings, the wisdom of the Guru. Please download this PDF of select Sutras of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
This particular commentary comes from Sivananda Yoga. If you are inspired you can make a donation here:
With Friendliness,
Sat Naam.
Thank you so much for your kind reply ,I started a holiday for two weeks In Portigal on the 13thOct and am flying back to Ireland next. Friday afternoon ,so I have missed the fist two lessons . Following your advice I have linked into them, I have found your lessons wonderful. It is my full intention on my return to work at setting up a good practice , to the best of my ability . I would certainly love to partake in your class when it is live .
Hi , I am writing on this Comment section because I have a query and don't see any other way to ask it . I would like to partake in this 40day mediation . I was unable to link in on the 13th Oct ?I am living in Ireland so the time zone is an issue for me. .I assumed a recording would come on the portal I am planning to follow it from there. I am a member of the Kirition and Kundilini section .I am keen to partake because I am intrested in the subject . Please advise on the best way forward for me with this course,