Satnaam dear community,
We've been diving into Naraayan the last weeks. Here is the file if you would like to practice on your own.
You're welcome to join me. That's a beautiful opportunity to vibrate our divine nature and remember always more to come back home to our true Self with the power of chanting. In good times, in difficult times, not being lost in the external world, in our thoughts, our senses, but tapping in, being fully present, and finding deep peace and joy. Letting the divine nectar flow through us, being always more aligned with the ethics & love we want for ourselves and others.
Unfortunately, there won't be any class next Monday (07.15) as I'll be on holidays and couldn't find anyone to sub for me. I'm very happy to let you know that Sat Tara will be subbing for me on 07.22 if you would like to connect to her beautiful energy, inspiration and experience. A big thank you to her! I'll see you today and next time will be 07.29.
Deep peace, joy and connexion to the Naam always more 💖
Sar Santokh
Thank you