Just finished the Tuesday class 🙏it's my third class here online with Sopurkh and you all, and I couldn't be more grateful. So THANK YOU! 🙏 🙏 🙏
Speaking after the class is a true challenge for me (mostly because English is not my mother tounge, but also because of the fear saying something stupid), but I want to force myself to grow...
And of course, in doing so, it happened right away... I said something pretty "stupid". By telling Sopurkh, that I love his (in my opinion) egoless classes, at the same time I said I didn't like other classes or teachers, because of there "ego" in it... I realized in a sec, that this was my ego saying what I like or don't like... And there the whole discussion starts and ends... 😂
First I was mad at myself for saying something like this, for "exposing" myself with this comment. But than I thought, I'm just a human being, trying to figure out things... How my mind and my ego work. How to let some old beliefs and structures go...
So, this is my lesson for today (and probably for the rest of my life) , letting my own belief/thoughts about myself and others go...
I truly and deeply connect to the kundalini teachings, and I can totally relate to some teachers with almost no ego involved, because I feel free and seen and heard in a very truthful way, BUT I also totally relate (by finding them strange or nervy) to teachers with a huge ego, cause this is where I come from, and I'm tapping into that trap almost every second... Except when I'm meditating. But even than, it can be, that I'm thinking too much, or I think I need to go somewhere with this... So... A LOT to learn, and still I'm just so GRATEFUL.
I hope I'm making some sense here. But at the same time, it just feels good right now, to get my thoughts in order.
Thank you all for being here, for letting me be and grow, and thank you universe for helping me everyday, Wahe Guru 🙏