Satnaam !
I'm not sure I'll be able able to attend next Wednesday but I wanted to share with you what came up for me... maybe others can share in the forum as well? 💖
May we all be every moment instruments of the divine 🎶💗
Much love to you all 💞
Sar Santokh
I still just love this so much! So much tenderness and love /heart.
So original and different, lovely!!
Beautiful, dear Sar Santokh!
So beautiful I enjoy this very much~ care to share the chord sequence? May be able to pick up by ear~ love to you and see you soon!
I love what you came up with! Thanks for sharing! You have inspired me to do the same!
Thanks, Severine- I hope to see everyone in class soon!
This is so wonderful!!
Thank you so much for your beautiful sharing, dear Sar Santokh 🙏 🙏 🙏 your smile at the end : AMUL ❤️
And it seems like Bodhicitta is enjoying you as the instrument of the divine as much, as we do 😁🐈
Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday 🙏🥰