Soul Radiance Module 2 Self Study Course: Meraa Man Lochai
A 14 hr recorded course to learn Meraa Man Lochai Shabad. This is a course that was recorded over the course of four weekends. Taught by Snatam Kaur, Prabhu Nam Kaur, and Sopurkh Singh each participant has the opportunity to embody sacred sound as teacher or Shabad Guru. This course focuses on the Shabad Meraa Man Lochai, a poem written by Guru Arjan, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs. It is essentially his experience of longing as he was separated from his Guru. It includes four letters that embody the experience of longing, and then final merger, as he was not only re-united with his Guru in the physical realm, but came to a very deep place of merger and union with the One. In this course we practice Kundalini yoga and meditation to open up to our own transformation and capacity to allow the words of the Shabad to penetrate our beings.This Shabad is very helpful to chant when we have been separated from our loved ones. It allows us to find our connection with our loved ones deep within.