Know Thyself. We no longer look outside ourselves for a savior. We look within and we find the light. As the light becomes brighter, all the subconscious thoughts start to dump into the conscious and it can feel like walking through the valley of death.
But fear not, the light of the universe is with you always. As the light becomes more luminous, the shadow becomes more intense, so allow yourself to confront the darkest of evils inside yourself. This coming forth of the evil serves to bring the power of goodness to yourself.
Let’s stay awake. Evil only has power when we don’t recognize it for what it truly is, and then try to resist it. Recognize the depth of your being in light and in dark and be who you truly are. Don’t think, just be conscious. In this way we will transform evil into the will of love. The devil is simply without the will of love.
The devil serves to point us towards light and love. Therefore, is the devil an agent of love?
I was listening to a podcast by Ram Dev Tuesday evening. Quote from the talk: "I remember once sitting with Maharaji and some of us westerners were talking and one of his older devotees came over and said you think that Maharaji brings you only the good stuff. No, he is all of it." I found that deeply profound and very challenging. I was brought up to consider that God is only good. That there are two forces of good and bad, and that they are only two opposing and opposite forces. Therefore it feels literally mind blowing to think that the Divine could be both darkness and light. But I want to challenge myself to really look into that and 'deep breath' understand that the nature of the Divine is so beyond comprehension that on one level I can only surrender and embrace that which is given to me. Its easy to write this and yet profoundly hard to put that surrender into practice in every day life. And very hard to accept that everything, everyone, every experience is the Divine. I'd love to get there.
I spent a lot of years looking outside of myself for answers. Thank the light for actually waking me up to see its brightness. But what do we do when the light gets dim and we struggle? How do we be confident in the victory of the light? I just say this cos I am always wobbling and wavering and I would love to increase my trust and confidenc ei the lights shining on me always. Perhaps we could practise a meditation where our bodies are flooding with the light and its so bright it sends the darkness scurrying beyond our boundaries of the universe.
Also we have the differences of light to bathe our minds in. The sun is obvious but also the moon is more gentle and softer and perhaps thats what we turn to when we waver. Just a thought.